Tuesday, December 4, 2007


We have gone deeper by looking at what a conducive or non conducive enviroment looks like. We had the hands on experience of analysing data to derive at conclusions of how effective the LE is in certain schools. We also had the opportunity to suggest improvements that can be made to improve the LE situations in schools. Looking forward to tomorrows data analysis.

Quantitative and Qualitative studies has been conducted in S'pore schools. The School Level Envirionment Questionaire is an effective way to assess the school learning enviroment. All the questions in the Questionaire testing one dimension should not appear together. this is to avoid fatigue. A 4 point likert scale is preferred to a 5 point likert scale. This will prevent people from giving nuetral answers. Start with SA and end with SD. Factors like participants language and attention should be taken into consideration when crafting questionaire. Moos scheme (Relationship, Personal Developement and System Change & Maintenance)can be used for classification

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